Understanding Access Modifiers in Java Inheritance


Access modifiers in Java define the level of access to classes, methods, and variables. They are crucial in controlling how different parts of your code, or even external code, can interact with the class and its members. In the context of inheritance, these modifiers dictate how the members (methods and variables) of a superclass are accessible to a subclass.

Access Modifiers and Their Behavior in Inheritance

The table below summarizes how different access modifiers affect the visibility of superclass members in subclasses, both within the same package and across different packages.

Access Modifier
Subclass in Same Package
Subclass in Different Package
Full Access
Full Access
Full Access
Access through Inheritance
Full Access
No Access
No Access
No Access


  1. Public: Members are accessible everywhere, irrespective of package boundaries. A subclass, regardless of its package, has full access to public members of its superclass.
  2. Protected: Members are accessible within the same package. For subclasses in different packages, protected members are accessible only through inheritance (i.e., within the subclass itself or through methods of the subclass).
  3. Default (Package-Private): Members are accessible only within the same package. A subclass in a different package cannot access default members of its superclass.
  4. Private: Members are not accessible outside the class they are declared in. This means that private members of a superclass are never accessible directly by a subclass, whether it’s in the same package or a different one.


Access modifiers play a vital role in Java inheritance. They are instrumental in encapsulating the code and defining a clear structure and hierarchy. Understanding how these modifiers work in different scenarios of inheritance is essential for designing robust and secure Java applications.